Seerig Corols
Use your arrow keys or WASD keys o seer your vehicle lef or righ. You ca also Use a coroller formore precise seerigcorol。
Accelerae ad Brake
to accelerae,press he up arrow key or W key,press he dow arrow key or S key. You ca adjus he sesiiviy of是hese corols i he seigs meu。
Press he spacebar o egage he hadbrake. This is useful for performig drifs or execuig sharp urs ahigh speeds。
Swich Camera Views
Press he ckey o swich bewee differe camera views, such as hird-perso, firs-perso, or cockpi view。
Acivae Slow Moio
Press he Shif key o acivae slow moio, allowig you o beer corol your vehicle i ricky siuaios。
Rese Vehicle
If you fid yourself i a ough spo, press he rkey o rese your vehicle o is sarig posiio o he rack。
Toggle Corols
Press he tkey o oggle he vehicle's corols o ad off. This ca be helpful for esig ou differe sceariosor cofiguraios。
Chage Time of Day
Press he F7 key o chage he ime of day i he game. This ca give you differe lighig codiios o es yourdrivig skills。
Acivae Slow Moio
Press he Shif key o acivae slow moio, allowig you o beer corol your vehicle i ricky siuaios。
Toggle Corols
Press he tkey o oggle he vehicle's corols o ad off. This ca be helpful for esig ou differe sceariosor cofiguraios。