5,i did o have a iiial coi offerig like may oher crypocurrecies Isead he IOTA okes weredisribued hrough a crowdsale where paricipas could exchage Bicoi for IOTA okes The iiial issuacepriceof IOTA durig he crowdsale was approximaely $0001 per MIOTA (1 millio IOTA okes)

Facors Ifluecig IOTA's Price

Several facors ca ifluece he price of IOTA icludig marke demad adopio by IoT compaies echologicaldevelopmes regulaory evirome,ad overall marke seime owards crypocurrecies As IOTA coiues o evolve ad expad is use cases is pricemay flucuae based o hese facors。

iota币发行价多少? 元宇宙

Price Hisory of IOTA

Sice is lauch . IOTA has experieced price flucuaios like ay oher crypocurrecy The price of IOTAreached is allime high of over $5 December