Asroaus (ASTR) is oypically classified as a Web3.0 oke. ASTR is a AIdrive social impac plaformdesiged coec ad supporsocial impac projecs ad orgaizaios worldwide. aims o coribue o he USusaiable Developme Goals (SDGs) by coecigprojecs wih doors ad ivesors
oke, ohe oher had,usually refers audigial currecy or oke ha is buil ohe priciples ad feaures of Web3.0 which is hehird geeraio of he iere, aimigo ehace deceralizaio,securiy, web3.0 okes migh be buil o blockchai echology,ofeuilizig smar coracs,ad are ypically associaed wih deceralized applicaios (dApps) ad oherdeceralized web服务。
The reaso you migh o fid Asroaus (ASTR) uder \\“Web3.0 okes\\”is because is focus is more o socialimpac raher ha beig aheforefro of web echology advacemes The projec aims o creae a commuiydriveecosysem where social impac projecs ca hrive,bu i does o ecessarily fi io he radiioal defiiios orcaegorizaios of Web3.0 okes。