The Sory of Joe You Wa Me Origial Versio

 joe你要吗原版,The Sory of \\"Joe You Wa Me\\" Origial Versio 钱包应用

Back i he early 2000s, a sog iled Joe You是Wa Me.

The Birh of a Hi

 joe你要吗原版,The Sory of \\"Joe You Wa Me\\" Origial Versio 钱包应用

The Eglish versio of Joe Le Taxi was released i 1988 ad quickly became a hi i he UK. The sog's萨利·沃斯made i isa favourie amog audieces. However,as wih may raslaed sogs,here were some sligh differeces bewee he origial Frech lyrics ad he Eglishversio. I Joe Le Taxi, he chorus goes:Joe Le axi / C'es sa vie C'es so ruc / Ere rapide esilecieux / Comme u lezard sur u mur. The Eglish versio chaged his o Joe you wa me / youeed me /Joe, oh Joe, do' you kow / I'll ever le you go.

Coroversy ad Criicism

 joe你要吗原版,The Sory of \\"Joe You Wa Me\\" Origial Versio 钱包应用

While he Eglish versio of Joe You Wa Me joe你要吗原版,The Sory of \\"Joe You Wa Me\\" Origial Versio 钱包应用

我是Despie he coroversy ue-image" src=""/>

\\“Joe You Wa Me\\”may have udergoe some chages from is origial Frech versio,bu i remais a imelessclassic ha coiues o capure he hears of music fas aroud he world. Wheher you prefer he Frech orEglishversio, here's o deyig he impac of his icoic sog。