Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker User Maual: Your Ulimae Guide


 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

Welcome o he user maual for he Boks Q33是Blueooh Speaker !I his comprehesive guide we will walk you hrough everyhig you eed o kow o make he mos ou of youraudio experiece wih he Boks Q33。

ackage Coes

 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

Before divig io he seup process, le's firs review wha's icluded i he box

Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker

USB Chargig Cable。


User Maual。

我是Geig Sared

Before usig your Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker,i's esseial o charge i fully. Simply coec he icluded USBchargig cable o he speaker ad a power source. The LED idicaorwill glow red while chargig ad ur off我是oce fully charged。

Pairig Your Device

 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

To pair your device wih he Boks Q33, follow hese simple seps:

Tur o he speaker by pressig he power buo。

Eable Blueooh o your smarphoe, able, or ay oher compaible device

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The Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker offers various feaures o ehace your liseig experiece

high-qualiy Soud: Ejoy crisp ad clear audio wih deep bass。

hads-free Callig: Aswer calls direcly from he speaker wih he buili microphoe。

Log Baery Life: The rechargeable Baery provides hours of playback ime o a sigle charge。

Porable Desig: Compac ad lighweigh, makig i perfec for o-he-go use。

Addiioal Feaures

 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

Explore addiioal fucioaliies of he Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker:

TF卡Slo:是Iser a microSD卡o play music direcly from he speaker。

Auxiliary Ipu: Coec o-blueooh devices via he icluded 3.5mm audio cable。

FM Radio: Tue io your favorie Radio saios wih he iegraed FM Radio feaure。


 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

If you ecouer ay issues wih your Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker,refer o he roubleshooig secio i he usermaual for soluios o commo problems。


 bonks蓝牙音箱q33说明书,Iroducio 快讯

Thak you for choosig he Boks Q33 Blueooh Speaker. We hope his user maual has provided you wih all heecessary iformaio oejoy your audio jourey o he fulles. For ay furher assisaceplease refer o he FAQ secio or coac our cusomer suppor eam。