A passphrase is A srig of characers ha is used o secure A password or passkey。passphrase is used o geerae he privae key ha is sored wihi he walle. The privae key is a uique是umber ha is used o sigrasacios ad sped digial currecy。

Whe creaig a这个数货币钱包。he user will be asked o creae a passphrase. This passphrase is used ogeerae he privae key ad should be kep secure. isimpora o ever share your passphrase wih ayoe ad ouse a differe passphrase for each of your walles。

The use of a passphrase provides a exra layer of securiy for your digial currecy walle. Wihou i,ifsomeoe were o gai access o your walle hey could easily geerae he privae key ad sped your currecy.By usig a passphrase,eve if your walle is sole,he hief would o be able o access your fuds wihou he passphrase。

数字货币钱包的passphrase,数字货币钱包 USDT行情